5 Facts and Myths on Hand Washing

Jul 27, 2020

These harmful substances can easily be wiped out by the simple task of washing your hands. However, their defeat relies heavily on the proper way of washing your hands. We may have a battle plan [link to article1], but there is a lot of false information out there that can make our defense less effective. 

We will debunk 5 common myths about hand washing and provide you with clear facts so that you can continue to successfully battle World Germination!

Myth: Wash your hands as much as you can.

Fact: Although we highly recommend washing your hands to protect yourself and others against germ infiltration, there is also a negative side in washing your hands too much. Every time we wash our hands, not only do we eradicate bacteria and harmful substances, we also shed a thin layer of our skin. Therefore, if we would wash our hands too many times, we may be abrading the skin’s protective layer.1 This layer is responsible to keep moisture in so that cracks in the skin, wounds and rashes may be avoided. It also acts as a protective barrier against other harmful agents and substances that our hands may come into contact with. 

It is important to wash your hands properly so that you can eliminate all the germs effectively. Proper washing also secures your hands against germs so that you will not need to excessively wash your hands which could damage the protective barrier of skin. However, frequent hand washing can cause dryness on the skin. In order to keep your hands germ-free and moisturized, make sure you use products that keeps your skin soft and clean like Hygienix’s Germ-Kill soap!

To know how to properly wash your hands and when to do it, check this [insert link to article 1] out!

Myth: It doesn't matter how long you wash your hands.

Fact: Soap is the best weapon against bacteria and viruses that make their way to your hands, especially ones that knock out germs like Hygenix Germ-Kill Soap. However, we must use this weapon correctly to maximize impact on those pesky germs! It takes friction to annihilate these germs. Rubbing your hands for 20 seconds is key to eliminating the harmful substances on your hands. As you continue to scrub your hand throughout these 20 seconds, the resulting friction lifts dirt, grease and microbes that settle on your skin. Maximize your attack and damage to these ruthless invaders by creating friction with your hands as you rub your soap on all areas of you hand. Don’t forget to go under your nails, this is where you may find high concentration of microbes!2

Myth: The hotter the water, the better.

Fact: The temperature of the water you use in washing your hands does not affect microbe removal. Yes, hot water can kill germs, but this only occurs at higher temperatures that your hands surely will not be able to tolerate. In fact, using warm or hot water can even dry your skin or scald it and leave you with cracking skin and rashes. When bacteria comes in contact with these cracks and rashes, it could lead to infections. Do not let germs prevail! Minimize skin cracks and rashes by washing your hands in a temperatures your hands are comfortable with. 

Myth: Drying your hands after is optional.

Germs thrive in wet or damp environments. Damp hands spread 1,000x more germs than dry hands.3 It is time we thoroughly prevent the transfer of germs. After our hands are washed we need to properly dry them and leave them no opportunity to return! 

Myth: Hot air hand dryers are the most sanitary way to dry your hands.

Some people may think that hot air hand dryers are the best way to dry their hands since it gives off heat and without wiping their hands dry on possibly contaminated surfaces. This notion is wrong. A study showed that petri dishes exposed to bathroom air for two minutes with the hand dryers off only grew one colony of bacteria, or none at all. However, petri dishes exposed to hot air from a bathroom hand dryer for 30 seconds grew up to 254 colonies of bacteria (though most had from 18 to 60 colonies of bacteria). The study found that most of the bacterial splatter from the hand dryers had come from the germ-filled washroom air.1

You will still need to dry your hands. Regular hand towels may leave you with more germs since it stays damp, attracting more harmful microbes. A better and safer alternative is disposable paper towels. Use these paper towels to keep your hands dry!

Let these facts change the way you wash you hands so that you may start an optimal routine to win the battle against World Germination!


1    https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/03/02/national/science-health/washing-sanitizer-skin-virus-defense/#.XrUHThMzaS4

2    https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/show-me-the-science-handwashing.html#eleven

3    Patrick,     D.R., Findon, G., Miller, T.E., Epidemiology and Infection

4    https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-bacterial-horror-of-the-hot-air-hand-dryer-2018051113823


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